
Operators are ground hands with just enough experience to obtain a new title that allows them to sit on their butts and operate a digger derek while others do all the real work.


Most men who hold the title “foreman” are washed-up Bucket Boys who are paid entirely too much to sit in their trucks while the crew earns their paycheck. That’s it. That’s all there is to them

Bucket Boy (Lineman)

A Bucket Boy is typically a narcissistic, egotistical, princess who believes their ability to make an aerial device move from A to B entitles them to people’s praise. There are many classes of Bucket Boy such as Journeyman, A, B, C – look at that, they know their ABCs!

Aerial Device (seriously)

Aerial devices are used to do aerial work…imagine that. They come in a variety of styles; Overcenter, Non-Overcenter, Telescopic, and Telescopic Articulating are your main ones. Aside from allowing bucket boys to accomplish their job without having to climb a pole, they come with a unique ability to inflate the ego of anyone who operates them.

Digger Derek

A digger Derek is a truck used to drill holes, set poles, and hang transformers.

Blinker Fluid

Blinker fluid is a chemical compound that illuminates when an electrical current is run through it. Without it, you won’t be able to signal other drivers or pass inspection.

Wire Stretcher

A wire stretcher is a piece of equipment, not used in powerlines, you can send new ground hands to search for.

Insulated Screwdriver

This tool serves the same purpose as a normal screwdriver, but with the added benefit of being insulated to protect from electrical shock. Your average insulated screwdriver is rated for 1000 volts but is available with other ratings.


As the name suggests, this is a tool designed for driving screws. They come in varying sizes and with different tips. Philips (+), flat-head (-), Torx (*), and more.

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A Wilcox Web Designs, LLC Company